KulturNatten 2015

These are some images and two short movies from our exhibition I Copenhagen with our project partner Warehouse 9. It was a good test for the concept of the “wanderers”.          

Journey to Abadyl 2014-2018 activities

DATE Workshop Description Participants Link Documentation Media RELATION WORKPLAN 12/14 Workshop 1 Presenting the peer reviewed paper wanderlost from the Cyberworlds conference in Santander Spain Michael Johansson, Thore Soneson, Martin Wetterstrand, Marika Kajo, Jörgen Callesen


Earlier this year we engaged students from the Digital Design program, Kristianstad University exploring the theme Non-Places as part of our development process of the smartphone application Wanderlost.  In various design team they designed concepts to create experiences where

Icke Platser

As the first official activity in the Journey to Abadyl project, our digital design students this semester working with a research theme Non-Places. So last week we spent going through the different material that the students have done in the course design for mobile services.

Daramtic structures for JTA

As a workshop starting point, but also to secure a small but variable structure for the journey to Abqdyl project JTA. I designed a deck of cards of sixteen cards that could be played from four players’ different starting points. I applied what I learned with the dramatic

paper walk

First test made for a printout version of a walk generated in one of the city parts of Abadyl Traora. here are three different walk generated and turned into walking instructions.   Direction and instruction on what object to take photos of. Fits on an a4 paper that can be

Scenario utveckling JTA

Här har vi skisssat på ett scenarion som leder besökaren in av Abadyls stadsdelar ”I heard about the possibility, and then I jumped on “a journey to Abadyl” (Lena, 23, Malmö) Vid ankomsten fick vi alla fylla i en visum ansökan. Det var bara att skriva in ett namn, utan att


Continuing working on Mobela C with the do-fi-do nfc/rfid system I am prototyping so that the visitor could extract a series of descriptive stories about the different parts of the city of Abadyl in English and Mandarin. How to do this with two different languages? The voices a