

  Today I installed the Mobela_C at the artchannel gallery here are some images of it being built up. Mobela_C_in_the_making Mobela_C  


Mobela C This new work will soon be shown 2009 in Beijing at the Art Channel Gallery. In this project, the user could extract a series of descriptive stories about the different parts of the city of Abadyl in English and Mandarin. The voices an explored by moving two RFID readers


Continuing working on Mobela C with the do-fi-do nfc/rfid system I am prototyping so that the visitor could extract a series of descriptive stories about the different parts of the city of Abadyl in English and Mandarin. How to do this with two different languages? The voices a

Arcades for Venice 2018

Today I and Ulrich iterated the last details on the arcade concept for Venice 2018. Faranak Tiba through the instructions I gave her also made some proof of concept sketches in Adobe aftereffects to show how movement can be realized in 2d images through projection paint.  

A case studie of modyfing a Characters parameters by a mixer in Softimage|XSI

A case studie of modyfing a Characters parameters by a mixer in Softimage|XSI To animate a human being has always been very difficult because of the complexity of the human body. Trying to manipulate one parameter in the body that are affecting many other parameters, is only one

C.E.S.K i Boken friktioner

c.e.s.k cryo emergency spy kit En karaktär som jag började utveckla 1997 och som visats på flertal gallerier både i sverige och utomlands. Den har också varit omnämnd i en helt annan kontext i boken Friktioner Om mötet mellan olikheter i IT-forskning Raster förlag 2003.    


I became together with Håkan Edeholt responsible to learn and taking care of the Stratasys printer that k2 had invested in. At that time I was preparing work for the ZOOM exhibition I Malaysia at the Kuala Lumpur Art Museum. So for the exhibition I made a series of renderings of


Vakuum extropia Teorin Mina föreläsnings noter av projekt redovisningen som skedde på konstakademin i Stockholm 1994 av Vakkum extropia teorin. Introduktion 1991 jag fick pengar från konstnärsnämnden till mitt projekt vakuum extropia teorin. Det blev 2 händelserika och arbetsamma