Catalouge from the printers

There it was, but it was printed with the wrong proportions, slightly oval, this will be corrected in the official version of the catalouge.

Worlddisc 14th Century

Next century the 14th. Now the complexity and desity picks up, lot more intresting paths to follow and draw.  

worlddisc 13th Century

The result from this Saturday morning work. I wish I had a Wacom tablet with a screen, so I could paint/draw directly onto the image. Still some of the text and other artifacts need to be edited out in the next iteration. Also, make more presence of the four 25 year divisions

Gathering in Karlsruhe

Here are some images from the first meeting in Karlsruhe with all the team members

Camera work

I have committed myself to do one additional part of the ideals space exhibition for the Venice Biennale 2016. That is to do all of the camera work and some model cleanup and optimization of the models. The work started by importing the models in Softimage. Softimage is reaching

Arcades for Venice 2018

Today I and Ulrich iterated the last details on the arcade concept for Venice 2018. Faranak Tiba through the instructions I gave her also made some proof of concept sketches in Adobe aftereffects to show how movement can be realized in 2d images through projection paint.