Smart blue city 2020 Facing the fold

My presentation about why Imagination is a key factor in design.

Through the years we have at the department of digital design worked with gestalt through artefacts and/or virtual worlds as a surface of communicating and testing our ideas and concepts that are generative rather that produced. Generative in the sense that they have nor original nor final form. They are sprung out of a chain of association through our work process and methods that generates new forms. The friction created by letting artefacts and virtual worlds evolve in specific materials and media specified in the scenarios we often use, help us and our co-creator´s to capture interesting and comprehensive perspectives, that through gestalt creation incorporates surprising visual and technical proposals. Scenarios are narratives of alternative environments in which todays´s decisions may be played out. They are not predictions. Nor are they strategies. Instead, they are more like hypteses of different futures specifically designed to highlight the risk and opportunities involved in specific strategic issues.