Real Virtuality

Against the self-evident

Michael Johansson & Kristoffer Åberg Book Chapter in;

Real virtuality: about deconstruction and multiplication of world / [ed] Ulrich Gehmann, Martin Rieche, Berlin: Transcript Verlag, 2014, p. 419-441Chapter in book (Refereed)


Starting with an exposé of two worldmaking projects, The City of Abadyl and Life Forms, we share insights into creating design fiction using a series of methods that can be generalized to other contexts. We adopt the mindset that the primary result of a design process is the knowledge acquired during a journey of exploration, knowledge which can, in turn, be applied to co-create a design concept in its broadest sense. We leverage the unknown and a tangle of methods from diverse sources, discussing these in relation to previous thinking and research. Finally, we outline the future development of the design fiction methodology herein.

For this chapter, we developed a series of Diagrams that tries to map out our thinking about the known and unknown, and through the fieldasy method more deliberately try to at least enter the realm of the unknown.