
Test ogf shadow length in Physical model

Today I measured the new area for the 49 objects that uses a 100mm disc in the middle, next is 130mm (will hold 13 0bjects), next is 170mm(will hold 17 objects)  and the outer is 230mm (will hold 19 objects)

Gestaltande inom designämnet

Bakgrund till gestaltbegreppet En gestalt (av tyska: Gestalt, “skepnad”, “form”, “figur”) är en isolerad, avgränsad, sluten och strukturerad helhet vars egenskaper inte kan reduceras till egenskaperna hos dess delar. Designarbete består a

Artificial Nature

For the ISWG exhibition in Venice 2018, I worked with foremost the interaction design of how to involve the audience to participate how the video was being played in the exhibition space. I also worked with doing a lot of 3d modeling of central buildings in Sforzinda and worked

Interface design Artificial Natures part 1

We are going into manufacturing! Today I sent the sketches to the carpenter in Karlsruhe and tried out the main layout of all the electronic components, that Mauro will help me put together in Venice Each of the worlds will be represented by one object, when that object is placed

Catalouge from the printers

There it was, but it was printed with the wrong proportions, slightly oval, this will be corrected in the official version of the catalouge.

worlddisc 13th Century

The result from this Saturday morning work. I wish I had a Wacom tablet with a screen, so I could paint/draw directly onto the image. Still some of the text and other artifacts need to be edited out in the next iteration. Also, make more presence of the four 25 year divisions

Worlddsic 1200 th century

Based on the inspirational material I made a fast conceptual sketch with the main idea of the project to prove the concept. That also was going to be used in the first version of the exhibition catalog. To be able to paint the different map fragments into a common map, I divided