

For an upcoming theatre and performance project called “The journey to Abadyl” I have worked to put forward models for engaging participants in

Dead Point 1989

Deadpoint collaboration with Perstorp AB. Laminate, aluminum, plastic and plastic mould. Shown at Heland Wetterinling Gallery Stockholm 1989,

Terror-the local is now

Terror – the local is now. Made to the Popular memory exhibition at Galleri Bengt Adlers 1988 Plaster, plastic, reindeer horn &


Gigant first showed at galleri T.V. Malmö 1985, Overgaden Copenhagen, 1987 and at LundBiennalen 1987 Sweden Wood, metal, electric motors,

Deadpoint 1987

Wood, polyurethane foam, metal-net, and programmed flashlights Deadpoint 1987. Showed at Overgaden Copenhagen in the Camp Exhibition. Later