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For an upcoming theatre and performance project called “The journey to Abadyl” I have worked to put forward models for engaging participants in
Ping vs Pong 1
Dead Point 1989
Deadpoint collaboration with Perstorp AB. Laminate, aluminum, plastic and plastic mould. Shown at Heland Wetterinling Gallery Stockholm 1989,
Terror-the local is now
Terror – the local is now. Made to the Popular memory exhibition at Galleri Bengt Adlers 1988 Plaster, plastic, reindeer horn &
Gigant first showed at galleri T.V. Malmö 1985, Overgaden Copenhagen, 1987 and at LundBiennalen 1987 Sweden Wood, metal, electric motors,
Deadpoint 1987
Wood, polyurethane foam, metal-net, and programmed flashlights Deadpoint 1987. Showed at Overgaden Copenhagen in the Camp Exhibition. Later
michael johansson 2022